Thursday, April 19, 2012

Magic Hat Brewing Company not quite Pale Ale

So..I'm at my local corner store/bodega and I run across this beer-Magic Hat Brewing Company not quite Pale Ale. "Weird name," I thought.
Doesn't have the sting that Pale Ales hit you with.Reminds me of Budweiser. My Father drinks/drank Budweiser like a champ. Growing up, I thought Bud was the only beer that was good. My Pop used to keep Budweiser by the 6. I've since adopted that as a favorite beer, but I digress...
This beer has a smooth taste that I feel I can enjoy again-soon. I can see having this at a barbecue that has not only beef, but, seafood. Preferably shelled crab. 
I like the intricate design on the bottle.It's actually what got me to give it a try. Worth the money.
I actually went to the hot tub with the wife and finished drinking it. It played part to a great night...believe me.

I"ll be getting back to brewing, stay tuned. Feel free to comment.
Thanks for your support.
Happy Cinco de Mayo

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